Friday, May 9, 2008

Indian Army's Suicide Rate rising constantly

The Indian Army is loosing more soldiers to suicide than to enemy action in the battle field. This year, over 100 soldiers have lost their lives by committing suicide.

The key reason of their suicides is frustration over various issues. One of these is leave; lack of adequate home leave enhances their depression and stress. Other factors include low morale, bad service conditions, lack of adequate facilities, unattractive pay packages, and a communication gap with superiors.

Soldiers get extremely angry when they are denied leave and their officers themselves take time off, it triggers a reaction, and consequently they take their own life.

Every one knows that Indian Army is committing heinous acts such as torture, rapes, murder, staged encounters, genocide, and ethnic cleansing in Kashmir and in other parts of India.

In Kashmir valley, Indian Army has killed over 10, 0000 innocent people and in the state of Gujurat over 4,000 civilians were killed. These atrocities and heinous acts are the main reason of mental sickness of Indian Army.

Suicide in Indian Army will keep on rising in future!!!!!

How can one expect healthy normal personality from the force that has been assigned the task of massive killing and bloodshed of innocent civilians including women and children?

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